A bouquet of beaded flowers in a vase that has fallen over

Beaded flowers

Today, beaded flowers is an almost forgotten craft, but it has a long European tradition. I visited my friend Ragnar Levi’s exhibition “Flora Eterna” in Stockholm to see the beautiful flowers. Learn more at www.flowerforever.se.

It was the premiere of my new camera and I tried to photograph in existing light, which was not much. The lens’s largest aperture did not provide much depth of field and freehand shooting was a challenge. Also, I had failed to set the camera to RAW format.

The picture is taken in JPEG with my Nikon Z 7II and the Nikkor 24-70 zoom. Aperture 2.8, shutter speed 1/60, ISO 1800 and focal length 57 mm. I developed the image slightly in Adobe Lightroom.